City Manager’s proposed 29% cut to Human Services, eliminating the Self-Sufficiency Category

RE:  City Manager’s proposed 29% cut to Human Services, eliminating the Self-Sufficiency Category.  Human Services is supposed to be 1.5% of the City’s General Fund, this would make it .4% of the General Fund.  A cut to Human Services would detrimentally affect some of our member organizations and especially people experiencing poverty and or homelessness.  We know that the Finance Committee passed a motion to fund 2013 at the 2012 levels, but it is still important that we stay in contact with council members and speak out, as the decision to support Human Services must be a part of the budget that will be passed soon.  We must stay involved in order to ensure success.  The truth is we need to urge Council to not only stay committed to no cuts, but to work for an increase, so as to show improvement.  Human Services has been cut nearly every year for a decade.

There are three upcoming opportunities to get involved:

  • Come to the Wednesday December 5th Council Meeting at City Hall- arrive by 1:15pm
  • Come to the Thursday December 6th Special Budget Meeting at City Hall- arrive by 5:30pm
    • Come to the Monday December 10th Special Budget Meeting at the Corryville Rec. Center- arrive by 5:30pm (2823 Eden Avenue)

Please come or send a representative to at least one of these meetings.  Please let me know which one you can make it to.  We must make sure we are heard amongst all the voices during budget time.

Josh Spring LSW

Executive Director

Greater Cincinnati Homeless Coalition

117 E. 12th Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202

Office:  513-421-7803 ext. 13

Cell:  513-716-7455


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