September 10, 2012, 10 AM






Additional Signatures to FCA checks

Dues reminder

Except in Behalf of Prepare the Future Grant for $3,500


Reminder new FCA email address is and website if

Status of Letter Support for Madisonville Parkway

Status of  FCA support for Anna Louise Inn

Status of FCA Face Book page

Secretary Committee to assist with Minutes of Committee


Report of Executive Committee Meeting



2011 FCA Annual Report




CPS LEVY ISSUE – Eve Bolton (Pres. CPS Board), Superintendent Mary Ronan, Julia Sellers (Pres. CFT)





Outcome of Black Family Reunion – Cassandra Robinson

Environment – a) Metropolitan Sewer District – Marilyn Wall MSD

b) Updates on Green Umbrella – Steve Johns



Cease Fire Cincinnati – Reverend Ennis Tait

Status of Hate Crimes Against the Homeless – Josh Spring


a)Prepare the Future –   Charles Wallner

b)Board Reports

1-CPS – Eve Bolton

2-Winton Woods –

c)CFT –  Julia Sellers


Status of Federal Health Care Law – Donald Washington



Labor Doug Sizemore, Brentley Davis


Housing & Homelessness

Status of Homelessness – Josh Spring

Working with Ex-Felons and Families – Philip Nunes, Volunteers of  America, Aaron Greenlea, St. Elizabeth Baptist Church


Voter Registration – Karen Bell


Closing Prayer and Adjournment


Faith Community Alliance of Greater Cincinnati Meeting

August 6, 2012 10am

Urban League of Greater Cincinnati


Attending: Karen Bell – MAAPS, Kathy Binns – Office of Commissioner Todd Portune, Jami Clarke – Lighthouse Youth Services, Tom Conland, April Cummings-Perry – Avondale Community Development Corporation, Bently Davis – Alliance for Retired Americans, Carlos DeJesus, Greater Cincinnati Latino Coalition, Tamaya Dennard – Office of Councilman PG Sittenfield, Steve DeMar – SWOHIO Episcopal Diocese, Denise Driehouse – Ohio House Representatives, Kathy Finley – Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, Robin Forde –Temple Christian University, Reverend Eugene Godhight – Church of Our Redeemer, Reverend Aaron Greenlea – St. Elizabeth Outhreach, Reverend Richard Harris – Cincinnati Human Relations Commission, Duane Holm – Kennedy Heights, Byron Hutchins, Cheryl Hutchins – Rockdale Baptist Church, Craig Jones – SEIU, Erin Joyner – Volunteers of America, Dr. Robert Liakikta – Power of One Cares, Ben Lindy – Teach for AmericaDon Luckie – Cincinnati Federation of Teachers, Mary Carol Melton – Cincinnati Union Bethel, Cindy Munning – Look it Up, Lydia Morgan – Juneteenth,  Phillip Nunes – Volunteers of America, Reverend Rousseau O’Neal – Rockdale Baptish Church, Nathan Ruggles – Working America, P.G. Sittenfield – Cincinnati City Council, Doug Sizemore – AFL/CIO, Yolanda Waldon – Smart Money, Charles Wallner – PBE Services, Brandon Wiers – Winton Woods Board of Education,

Welcome – Pastor R. O’Neal

April Cummings-Perry to assist with minutes for this meeting  


Web Page Reciprocation with Sierra Club

Sierra Club created our website and now we need an approval to allow them membership to our organization in lieu of service for next two years. Motion unanimously approved

Dues – Pastor Godhigh, Treasurer: $25 / year – Individuals, $50 / year – Organizations.


Presenter – Carlos de Jesus – Greater Cincinnati Latino Coalition

Goal of project is to get Latino population to get parents to be good parents and involved in their children’s education. – It does not have a 501c3 status and is asking FCA to be its fiscal agent. Goal of grant is to build a website. The organization gets together once a month to listen to speakers, offer opportunities for organizations that support GCLC. The use of the website is to network and give feedback to greater Latino Community on services and programs designed to help them.  It is currently beginning its application to become a 501c3.


In discussion, Byron Hutchins expressed interest in doing work in graphic design.  Other questions focused on who is going to do graphic design.  Carlos said that, at the moment, it is more important to find funders to design site.  The proposal was moved, seconded and passed.


Old Business

  1. Ad in Juneteenth Festival brochure – $200 was donated for a half page ad & the festival was   success. Lydia Morgan presented a letter thanking FCA for its contribution.
  2. Reminder – New FCA email address is:
  3. Status of Letter of Support for Madison Parkway
  4. Status of FCA support of Annna Louise Inn – Letters are still encouraged & being accepted)
  5. Status of FCA FaceBook page – In progress


New Business

  1. Change on Agenda – Move P.G. Sittenfeld Announcement to New Business
  2. Review Minutes – Approved unanimously
  3. Homelessness – Never had our follow up meeting.  Pastor O’Neal and Charles Wallner called Doc Foster to make this thing happen


Some FCA members that attended last month was not included on the Minutes (sign in sheet  was passed around) – Lydia Morgan – Cincinnati Juneteenth, Don Luckie – Cincinnati Federation for Teachers. Steve Demar – Episcopal Diocese, Marsha D. Thomas – Black Nurses Association

Announcements – “As A Lawyer Night” at City Hall (P.G. Sittenfeld) – Wednesday, August 8th


5:45pm – 6pm (Registration); 6:00pm – 6:15pm (Welcome & Instructions); 6:15pm – 7:45pm, 12 lawyers to give legal advice

Topics: Landlord-Tenant issue, Employment Termination, Employment Discrimination

Social Security Disability.



Jami Clarke – Lighthouse Youth Services “Be the Somebody” Foster Parent Recruitment Campaign

Lighthouse is  in need of Foster parents. There are over 800 kids in Foster Care.  There is a need to match children or they’ll be sent to Group homes or out of Hamilton County. Lighthouse is currently doing work with Crossroads church.  Other churches are needed to send this information out to their membership, to spread the message and get foster parents (Sometimes people don’t understand their part in the community without the help of the churches). If you are interested in us coming to our church and give a presentation, please contact me directly at (513) 487-6712 or,


MARCC – Margaret Foxx

Painting of Henry Ossawa Tanner: Modern Spirit – Special Summer Program

Wednesday, August 22nd 9am – 11am on Wednesday, Continental Breakfast

African American artist with AME roots (father was AME pastor) – took Trips to Egypt & Palestine

Only showing in 3 locations in United States;  on display until September. Curator will talk about painter. Tour show before museum opens, admission is $10.  There will be free art lessons on Saturdays for kids


Kathy Fendly – Cincinnati Symphony & Pops Orchestra

Cincinnati Symphony Youth Orchestras is looking for 7th – 12th graders (Education program for 2012-2013 season). Last week of auditions for program is the week of August 20th. Tuesday, August 21st  & Wednesday, August 22nd – Students who play cello, bass, flute, oboe. Thursday, August 23rd & Friday, August 24th – Students who play violin, viola, trombone, tuba, harp , percussion. Saturday, August 25th & Sunday, August 26th – Students who play violin. Applications distributed in the meeting


CSO Nouveau Chamber Players

Free Mentoring Program for 7th – 12th – receive free coaching, attend concerts, etc.

5 year program – 2 community recitals

Upcoming Events:

  1. Beauty, Bliss & Branford – November 30& December 1, 2012 (Branford Marcellus – Director)
  2. Patti Austin Sings Ella Fitzgerald – January 19-20, 2013
  3. Sarah Chang: String Fever – April 4 & 6, 2013
  4. Classical Roots Concert – Friday, March 15th 2013


In discussion: do the youth perform in the community? Yes.  Concerts 2x / year (concert & advanced orchestra) – During school year, balance with family activities, usually free in the Summer.  Looking for performance sites for Nouveau Program

Request was made to bring orchestra to the Avondale at Boys & Girls Club / Rockdale Academy



Judge Nadine Allen – Improvements in law for ex-offenders.

Law passed by state of Ohio that enable judges to do more for justice system. Effective October, 2012

  1. Give certificates of employment to people with felons
  2. Reduce child support payments when a person have been incarcerated or unemployable because of being incarcerated
  3. Expungements – for individuals with 2 prior convictions


Update on MARCC by on this issue Margaret Fox.  Grant was receive to lobby in Columbus

Much work done to lay the ground work for new state law


SAVE THE DATE – September 6th – Clergy Breakfast (Honoring 3 clergy members in this room)

Rockdale Community Ministries – Health Fair – Get AMOS there



Prepare the Future – Charles Wallner

Signatures for Request for Equal Funding for all school districts to go to state legislature is moving along. Member of Prepare the Future met with Bill Phillis (who led  on the lawsuit against the state regarding unequal funding) in Columbus. Information was shared with the Chief lobbyist, Pastor Denise Ray of Episcopal Church


FCA officials will meet with Mary Ronan and Eve Bolten by the end of the month to discuss this matter.

Not able to get data from Public Schools to get the number of students that was in Public schools last year who transferred and returned from Charter Schools.  October 16, will be a conference in Columbus on the privatization of public schools. Prepare the Future will be attending this year and the costs associated with schooling – What’s the difference in cost between charter and Public Schools?

Data discovered – children that attend charter schools are 1 year behind those in Public Schools.  We want to do something now instead of waiting until October when the report from Public Schools come out.


If we can’t do something informally, we will push a formal petition to get something done.

Althea Barnett asked if there are any charter schools doing well? Yes, but low number.

Contacting parents of Public Schools about funding for education and getting interest and backing

Has anyone ever thought of hearing from school children themselves to get feedback and compare from public schools vs charter schools (Yes it’s permission involved, but may be worth addressing)

Robert Harris asked is there any data that comes through Public Schools that track special needs children (OFT Website) – Problem is most charter programs are not equipped to work with children with special needs.


How widely is this petition being circulated – Charles Wallner will email out petition

Denise Driehaus will work on getting information to FCA committee on specific stats of charter schools

Charter school statistics:

September 28, 2012 – Date state legislature goes in to effect (SB 327)


Ohio House Traveling Committee on Education is meeting at various locations throughout the state.  – Prepare the Future plans to stay in the loop on the state’s new formula for education.  One of the main questions is whether the state should rely on property tax or other sources.  For instance City of Cincinnati, by the current formula is on a par with wealthier suburban districts where the income level of parents are higher.


The State is also leaving school districts and local parents confused in regard to its mandates.  For instance the 3rd Grade Guarantee – all 3rd grade level have to read on a certain level can be retained for up to 2 years. Specialists are to be trained to help students with reading but there is no time table when this is to happen. All students will have 90 min blocks of reading every day with a Reading Specialist. The Legislature has provided $13 million dollars to this ongoing initiative (will be a struggle) – not nearly enough money to get this done.  Local school districts are  going to have to try to find other sources of income to accomplish the mandate. There are Specialized “Orton Gillingham Tutors” to assist with reading and other areas.  It will be difficult to identify enough teachers to qualify to be a Reading Specialist.


There is a question as to how are students are to be tested: Comprehensive test or actually reading?


Winton Woods  - Brandon Wiers

A year ago the school district submitted an application to have Winton Woods School to be a member of the Eastern Cincinnati Athletic Conference.  The application was rejected under suspicious circumstances. It has been resubmitted and again rejected.  Withrow had recently been accepted.  Walnut Hills had already been a member. The schools of the Conference want a geographically distince map of schools to reduce travel costs for teams.


On July 16th, Brandon submitted resignation to Winton Woods School District Board Member.  He can only recommend a successor.



AFL-CIO Labor Day Picnic – September 3rd, Coney Island (6201 Kellogg Ave) – Doug Sizemore

Board of Election Meeting – Thursday, August 16th – 9am, 824 Broadway Ave (632-7000)

to support continuation of early voting extended hours and other issues ues involving voting

We need to pack this place to show we have a concern about hours being cut – Please show up!

Verify your vote… make sure you’re registered (100s – 1000s have been dropped – in Hamilton County).  Complications for some voters include:  not voting in the past 4 years, changes in address due to evictions, foreclosures and bankruptcy.


Cindy Manning – Communications of America 4401 discusses the closing of the Cincinnati Call center.   She thanks Cincinnati City Council’s for passing its resolution opposing outsourcing the call center.  The call center employed 137 people (28 year employee of Cincinnati Bell).

The company has history of outsourcing jobs to Philippines and other countries (Main switchboard and wireless – all calls automatically goes to Philippines)

Phone calls


Members of FCA are asked to Call (513) 397-9900 – Ask for Jack Cassidy, leave a message and tell him that Cincinnati Bell is supposed to be our local company and we want our jobs to remain locally.  Send letters to oppose change.  Send to Jack Cassidy – Send to 201 E. 4th St 45202

Trying to organize a rally – Spoke with Sherrod Brown, Todd Portune, and Denise Driehaus

Digital Media campaign is an option – CWA will handle that capacity (may connect with

Campaign to the consumer to say we don’t want this to happen


Nathan Ruggles – Working America AFL-CIO, focuses on working family issues and will be circulating and canvassing get petitions signed in the community which will be forwarded to FCA.


There is a strong push to get some type of legislation (HB403) approved to stop sending jobs overseas (Corporations are getting tax break to send jobs overseas)



Status of Health Care Law– Karen Bell

There is still a need to access the public to talk about Affordable Care Act (Lawsuit resolved)

Opportunity to expand Medicaid (it’s a right not a privilege) – Send emails to FCA and FCA will forward out (Charles Wallner)

(513) 541-7099 x23- Donald Washington


Update in HIV Services for Greater Cincinnati – Charles Wallner

Charles provided a the County Health Department’s HIV / Syphilis Monthly Report.  There is a need to get the word out to both youth and adults – Educate the community

Cheryl Hutchins stated that there are need for Incentives for Testing (iIn the past, we’ve had partnerships with Radio Stations, Live Broadcasting).


The committee would like to invite back the Hamilton County Health Commissioner to report on the status of its Faith Based initiative to focus Healthcare.  Charles Wallner will see if the Commissioner, or representative can attend FCA’s October meeting.

Members of FCA has followed up and received no response


For information Planned Parenthood – 5 days / week – Caracole (stop AIDS testing) at 4138 Hamilton Ave – (513) 679-4453


Housing & Homelessness

Working with Ex-Felons and Families - Phillip Nunes (Volunteers of America)

Reentry Final plan is accomplished.   There was a kickoff in June. The Committee is now on summer hiatus.  The plan is to address the issue of 2700 -2800 people returning every year into the community.  They need to know that they are eligible to vote. The Task Force Subcommittees center around Housing, Employment, Education, Advocacy, Public Education.  The Hamilton County Reentry (copy of plan) – will be brought to the FCA in September



Ohio Justice & Policy Center – Ngozi Ndulue

Racial Profiling – Traffic tickets / other issues

Community – Wednesday, August 8th 5:30pm -  Su Casa Community Center – 7036 Fairpark Ave

Tamia Denora / P.G. Sittenfeld – Let’s move Cincinnati  – applied to be a Let’s move city (Michelle Obama’s campaign)

Saturday, August 25 – 8:30am – 12pm (513) 352-5270, Tamia’s cell (513) 417-0743

2nd Home Event – Give things to those who don’t have and we will give it to others – Sept 14th – 4:30 – 6pm

2nd Annual Ice Cream Social (free) – Anna Louise Inn  – September 14th, 4:30pm, Lytle Park


POINT OF ORDER – Tom Conland

Vote made to add a category on the agenda specifically for Voter Registration as Advocacy. Robert Harris – Moved, Karen Bell – 2nd Movement

Would this include education of voting or specific actions? Both


Swag to Vote – Wants to partner (Tim Sullivan, Founder – 513.823.7060). This committee will be in communication with other groups doing Voters Registration organizations. It is to get in contact with the FCLC.   Karen Bell will be spokesperson.


Meeting closes with prayer.  Next meeting September 10, 2012 at Urban League,  10 am.


Comments are closed.